Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I think it would be romantic to walk on the beach with my hubby. Simple request isn't it? The problem is I don't want to be around a million other people. I want to go to a private beach! I have ALWAYS loved the beach! I could sit or lay on the beach forever. I've always wanted to spend romantic time walking and talking on the beach. And a new little hot body would be helpful too.


Lene said...

A private beach does sound nice....after a little, okay alot, of plastic surgery.

Grammy Suzzy said...

Wow! I can't even imagine just being away from family on a beach, much less strangers. I fear that would seem alone and romantic to me!!!

Bren's Life said...

I wanna come too.. But then Rodney would be trying to throw me in the water & well I guess it wouldn't be so private.. But like he has anything worthwhile to talk about . And you could at least talk to me...
Troy & I had found a private beach in Hawaii. It was so cool. I played in the sand because it was so pretty & untouched. Never thought to walk & talk. I go for the play instead..

Dacia said...

I'm digging the private beach idea. That would be very romantic!