Friday, February 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Wow! I have not done Thankful Thursday in a LONG time. Sounds a little ungrateful doesn't it? Truly, I'm not!

I am thankful that my job seems pretty secure and I pray for all my friends and family that are struggling with being out of work, having hours or benefits cut or the stress of looking for a new job.

I am thankful that my daughter is finally feeling herself again and started back to work this week!

I'm thankful for all the people- especially those that don't know her very well- that brought food and hugs or just came over to say hi. Amazing people!

I'm thankful that Rod and I were able to go to the temple last night and that we were able to stay and talk awhile after. Made my day!

I'm thankful that tomorrow is Valentines day and I can do some little random nice things for the boys at my house without them thinking that I'm being all weird and mushy! LOL


Bren's Life said...

Great list of things. It sure is nice to go to the Temple. Glad Kami went back to work.