Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

Happy Halloween! I don't know why I love Halloween so much but I do! I have to admit that I miss the craziness of the few hours before getting ready for trunk or treat or trick or treating or whatever Halloween activity we were doing that night. From getting the kids ready early in the morning in their costumes, treats in tow for their class parties, to fixing the costumes and re-doing makeup and finding a fun but easy dinner (because they HAD to eat something healthy before they got all that candy). I miss them sitting on the floor with HUGE piles of candy trading with each other and pulling out a few special ones that they knew were mom and dad's favorites. Fun times!

This year I made a SPOOKY book with pictures of my kids when they were little in their Halloween costumes. Everyone had fun looking back at all the crazy costumes and remembering different things from those nights. I am SO glad I put all the Halloween pictures in one place. It will be fun to pull this book out every year. I may even shed a tear or two. I have some REALLY good blackmail video of Cory in his BUG suit crawling around on the ground and being CRAZY when he was 5. That will always be good for a few laughs!

Halloween just isn't the same without little kids at home but I am looking forward to all the little ones that will come through my office today at Midwestern and that I will see at our ward's Trunk or Treat.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Well, I'm the worst daughter ever! My dad's birthday was a couple weeks ago and while I DID remember to send him a birthday greeting, I didn't pay tribute to him on my blog. The guilt is killing me!

My dad is the most AMAZING man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Seriously, he is!

My dad inherited ME, a 7 year old, when he married my mom. Never once have I EVER felt like he wasn't my dad in every way. He never referred to me as his step daughter that I am aware of. He just accepted me as his daughter-ALWAYS! I called him Daddy from day one. He allowed me to become a part of his family and to take on his family name and let me be sealed to him and my mom in the temple. He gave me the opportunity to be the "big sister" to the 3 most amazing "little" brothers *(that all tower over me by a foot or more). He taught me how to drive because he knew my mother would have killed me in the process. He took me to all my Daddy-daughter dates. We spent lots of nights at Disney movies together before my brothers were old enough. Always the "real animal" type- The original HOmeward Bound, Lassie, Where the Red Fern Grows- well you get the picture. I have the BEST memories!

He has endured many years of surprised comments when people find out that he has 19 grandchildren! The man is timeless- he NEVER seems to age!

I know that I can ALWAYS turn to him when I have a problem, no matter what it is. He is a spiritual giant and takes the time to share things that he feels are important with his family subtly. I remember a letter he sent recently when President Monson was called-testifying to us, his children, that he KNEW this man and his counselors were called of God. It was a very tender letter. He has given me blessing after blessing and I am so grateful for all that he has taught me and done for me over the years. I Love you Dad! Happy Belated Birthday! I still owe you dessert or something! BIG HUGS!!!!!!

little miss allie

I took these pictures of my niece, Allie, a couple weeks ago after Tyler's baptism and everytime I go through my pictures I stop and look at these. I wish I could be happy and carefree like that again and that something as simple as bubbles could keep me occupied. I miss my "little" kids! Thanks, Bren for waiting to start your family so that I could enjoy your little ones more! :)

Thankful Thursday

Well, it's that day of the week again! Thankful Thursday- so here goes...

I'm thankful that my gym buddy and I have gotten back on a somewhat regular schedule again. Thanks Robyn!

I'm thankful that my husband has been attacked by aliens and seems to be on a cleaning kick! A little out of character but Love, Love, LOVE it!

I'm thankful that tomorrow I get to see all of the darling Halloween costumes that hard working moms have put so much time into.

I'm thankful that I DON'T have to worry about darling Halloween costumes for my kids anymore! :)

I'm thankful for the gorgeous weather we are having and that I can sleep with my windows open.

I'm thankful that I got to spend time with Kami and Alyssa the other night and get sucked in to the whole High School Musical craziness! I wish all High Schools were that wholesome and would break out in song and dance every few minutes! LOL

Most of all I'm thankful for my family. They are the light of my life and I don't know what I would do without them. Well, maybe I wouldn't WORRY so much but other than that...

That's it for today-What are YOU thankful for?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Couldn't Resist...

Sunday night "my girls" (ok so one isn't mine yet) Kami and Alyssa were discussing how they wanted to go see High School Musical 3. Alyssa knows Matt would rather die than sit through it and Kami knows Vaughn would go to make her happy but would sleep through it. I was cracking up listening to how excited they were about going to the movie-they sounded like 10 year olds. And of course, I'm going too! LOL Can't miss more "girl time". If you know me, that is a rare opportunity with my house full of boys and their friends.

Anyway, Annie had posted a fun little HSM3 video that I just had to duplicate in honor of Alyssa's excitement to see the movie. (Thanks Annie!) It was really fun to do and Alyssa texted me saying she was crying from laughing so hard and thanked me so I guess it was a good thing so I will share it here. Enjoy!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

girls day

Last week my mom and her long lost cousin (Angie), Kami and I went to lunch.

My mom met Angie through the internet doing geneology. They had been communicating via email for a little over a year and just recently were able to meet up in New York when my mom was there visiting. Angie drove back to AZ with my mom (cuz my mom is deathly afraid of flying) and stayed for a week. While she was here she started learning about our church and taking the missionary discussions. She is such a sweet lady and we had a lot of fun getting to know her.

It was a fun little girls day out! We went to Red Robin and laughed and visited. Then Kami and I went to the mall for a few minutes. It's always fun to have some girl time.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thankful Thursday!

My sister-in-law has been doing a THANKFUL THURSDAY post each week and I really liked it and decided I need to take a few minutes to reflect on the things that I am grateful for each week.

This week I am thankful that my post-op visit went well and that my AH-HEM "tender" breast is starting to be not quite as painful.

I'm thankful that I only have to do mammograms once a year now. WOO HOO!

I'm thankful that the Primary program went well and that it is OVER! Now, I have to get back in the habit of preparing lessons!

I'm thankful for my husband who works so hard for our family. And that he is trying so hard to understand me and make me happy.

I'm thankful that my mom scored me some tickets to WICKED even if I have to wait until July to go see it!

Most of all I'm thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who reminds me when I'm having a tough time that he still loves me and that everything will be ok.

What are YOU Thankful for?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tyler's Baptism

Today, my nephew Tyler got baptized. I can't believe he is 8 already! He is such a fun little guy and almost always has a smile on his face. I was glad that a few of our family could be there to share his special day with him. (Saturday mornings are tough) We are so proud of him and hope that he remembers this special event forever. These are a couple pictures of him with his family. He's a lucky little guy to have such great parents!

We love you Tyler!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

This post is a little belated! As you know, I was a little side-tracked and stressed out for awhile waiting for the results of my breast biopsy. So- I will catch you up. Two weekends ago Rod and I went to Las Vegas for a softball tournament. The boys went to Utah for Matt's mission reunion so I didn't have to worry about what was going on at the house while we were gone. It seems like this is only the 2nd time that Rod and I have been away together in at least 7 years by ourselves. (If a softball tournament can be considered "by ourselves") I went with no expectations of having any "alone" time and was pleasantly surprised that we got a couple opportunities even though we did spend a lot of time at ballgames.

My incredible husband-he can still play as good or better than the young guys!

One night we went to the new Wynn hotel for dinner and to just wander around. They have some crazy expensive stores there! I always wonder who really buys that stuff? I mean, seriously? They had a cell phone for $40,000!!!! I had to send Kami a picture of it and ask her if she thought they would replace it for $50 through her insurance like they do with the one she has! She is SO Hard on her phones!

Saturday, we got to meet up with my brother, Barry and his family.

These are pictures of my nieces with Rod taken at lunch.They insisted on him sitting between them! Too cute! Uncle Rod is CRAZY!!!!
Josie, Rod and Cozette

Sunday morning we found out that conference wasn't on in our hotel room (good thing we recorded it) so we went to the Belagio and ate at their Brunch buffet. Oh my gosh- I didn't have to eat the rest of the day! Good thing- it was $25 per person! It was so good though and fun since we never splurge to do things like that! Then we wandered around the strip for a little while before we drove home.

These pictures are at the Belagio...

It was nice to getaway! I'm not much of a Vegas fan but I'm glad we got a chance to be together. We really needed it! Boy you can catch up on a lot of things during a 5 hour drive!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sigh of Relief!

AHHH...well, my Dr. called me on my cellphone to tell me that my biopsy results came back and there is NO CANCER!!!!!! I think I will make Pink M&M cookies to celebrate-what do you think? I'll share!!!!

Just wanted to tell all of those sweet people that have kept me in their prayers...THANK YOU! You mean the world to me!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sibling Happiness

I love that my kids love each other! There were times when they were growing up that I worried that they would hate each other by the time they were grown. I remember teaching a lesson in Young Women a few years ago about how the relationship we have with our siblings is the longest relationship we will have on this earth. I had never thought about that before but of course in most cases it is true! These are the people that we need to be close to and stick together.

This is a recent picture of my kids together -clearly they are having a good time!

This is Rod and his sister, Bren and brother Scott- I don't think I have ever seen a picture of the 3 of them this happy! Usually one of the guys has their eyes closed. I decided to post this cuz it may just be the last one we get with them ALL smiling- actually LAUGHING!!!! So fun!

I know that I love being with my brothers although those times are getting few and far between. I did get to take my brother, David to lunch for his Birthday a few weeks ago and last weekend I got to see my brother, Barry in Las Vegas. We have a unique situation because I am 8 years older than my oldest brother and then the 3 of them were born within 5 years. So, sometimes when we were growing up I felt more like the mom but NOW we have a great time together when we have the chance. I have called Jerry (darn him- moved to Utah) several times for advice on things because although he is not older he is definitely wiser!

Think Pink!

Think Pink!

Well, as all of you know this month is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This year has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I had a mammogram in February that came back questionable so they repeated it a month later. Then, they sent me for an MRI, then an ultrasound, then to a breast specialist who sent me for another Ultrasound, and a repeat Mammo 4 months later. Sound fun? Oh yeah! Definitely!

Today, I went for a Breast Biopsy-not exactly the most fun I've had but I'll survive. They decided it was better to stop telling me that they "THINK" it is benign but not really know for sure. Rather than take any chances it's best to do the biopsy. So, we headed for the hospital this morning at 6-my nerves were pretty shot already. While I was sitting waiting back in pre-op there was yelling coming from one of the other "cubicles". This man was screaming something in spanish that I didn't understand (probably a swear word) OVER and OVER for 30 minutes. I got more and more anxious listening to this guy. Turns out he had brain damage and he couldn't really help himself. Needless to say, when I was able to get somewhere quiet I felt a little better BUT I was still pretty anxious.I was brave, went through the whole biopsy, got another mammogram, got wrapped up so tight I couldn't breathe when the DR. came back in and said that they didn't get the right spot and we had to do it all over again! I could have cried!!!!! Now, I was going to have 2 holes in my boob! Lovely!

Have any of you ever had a breast biopsy done? It was crazy to see the tissue that they suck out of you with their nifty little vaccuum. It looked like spaghetti! It sounded like a sewing machine as it was drilling through my breast tissue. Oh so fun! It's over now- I survived and it really wasn't all that bad- except for my nerves! Now, I just get to wait....again! Next week I will report and let you know how things turned out. Let's all pray I'm cancer free! If you are putting off your mammo---what are you waiting for? Get your behind in gear and get it scheduled. Do those monthly self exams!