Ironic that Thankful Thursday falls on Thanksgiving isn't it? I have much to be thankful for...
I'm thankful for awesome family and friends that take the time to let me know that they care about me.
I'm thankful that I have the gospel in my life and the gift of the Atonement so that we can be forgiven and also forgive others.
I'm thankful for my amazing kids who try not let me know that they love me but when I express to them that sometimes I need to hear it that they say "I love you mom! Duh!" (gotta love that Cory)
I'm thankful that I'm going to have a houseful of guests for Thanksgiving and I'm not stressing out about it.
I'm thankful that I love my inlaws- every last one of them. It makes life a lot easier.
I'm thankful for so many other things that my heart is just overflowing.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Posted by gibkidsmom at 6:30 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Life is a Rollercoaster Ride...
I've never been much of a rollercoaster fan- not even in my younger days! I love amusement parks but I always avoid the rollercoasters. Some people thrive on them- they travel from afar to ride the newest coasters across the country. Me? I'd rather stick with the more predictable rides-they can go fast but the ups and downs and loops just make me scream "let me off!" and then I usually puke. Seriously- it ruins everything.
Life can be a lot like a rollercoaster ride. We can be moving along just great when out of the blue we are thrown around some curve, or hung upside down or zooming down a drop that leaves our hearts in our throats. Anyway, I have realized that I just don't do well with rollercoasters. I need to avoid them and observe everyone else on them screaming with fear and delight and excitement. I can do without it.
Unfortunately, when your life IS the rollercoaster ride you can't actually avoid it. You have to just go with it and scream and cry and quite possibly in my case THROW UP! The alternative is jumping off the darn thing and then the damage would be even worse. So...for those sweet, concerned friends and family out there who have been worried about me- Thank you SO much for checking on me. I'm going to be ok- The rollercoaster ride has come to a stop for this time and I'm almost past the nauseous stage now and life will be normal again.....until next time. Because somewhere the message hasn't gotten out that I don't like the rides and somehow I manage to get dragged on another one at some given point. I could live without it- but I haven't been killed on one yet. Let's hope we can keep it that way! Merry-go Round anyone?
Posted by gibkidsmom at 1:07 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Jack's Back!
Anybody else out there a 24 fan? I've been waiting for over a year for this! Woo Hoo!I don't watch a lot of TV but this is one show I don't miss. Only 2 more days!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 11:00 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Another week come and gone and it's Thankful Thursday again.
I'm thankful that I have the time to reflect on the things I am thankful for each week.
I'm thankful for the opportunity I had this week to provide service and comfort for a dear friend who lost her mother.
I'm thankful for the example of others that show me that I can stretch and reach and do even more if I just try.
I'm thankful for my youngest son who has finally admitted that he plans to serve a mission. And I'm thankful for good leaders that have helped him to set goals and have his paperwork started by January and finished by March. (I can do this again right?)
I'm thankful that amidst all the chaos and turmoil in the world right now and the attack on my religion that I have a strong testimony of the gospel.
Posted by gibkidsmom at 1:38 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So I need a pedicure but let me just tell you after the week I've had having my feet up is a rare moment! :)
Posted by gibkidsmom at 5:47 PM 7 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
My Birthday Boy!
Today is my hubby's birthday! This is the last year he will be able to say honestly that he is in his 40's. Yup -today is the big 49!
I'm so thankful for this man in my life. He probably doesn't always think I am but... I am! He does so much for me and our family. He is always trying to find ways to spend time with the family. It's harder now that the kids are older. He and the boys have been playing softball together for church and that has been fun. (Not sure how they convinced Cory to play but he did and he can hit pretty dang good- guess it's in the genes.)
He always goes out of his way to help others. He works really hard. His knowledge of the gospel and his testimony has helped our family. He helps out around the house and with meals. He tries to make time for date night each week. He always tries to help us better ourselves and sometimes it isn't received as well as he would like. I want to thank him for all he does.
He looks pretty dang good for 49 doesn't he?
I love you Babe! Happy Birthday!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 10:36 AM 5 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
When I came across this picture it instantly brought to mind an incident that happened awhile ago. I just wanted to share.It always gives me a good laugh!
My close friend, name eliminated to protect her from embarrassment, called me one afternoon absolutely mortified. She had gone to her local grocery store and wandered around leisurely for quite some time-something she wasn't always able to do. When she got to the register to make her purchase the cashier politely whispered to her that her skirt was tucked in to her nylons! The thoughts of walking through that entire store in that state just about did her in. Unfortunately, her very supportive friend (ME) could do nothing to help her out....besides laugh hysterically! Poor, poor girl!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I can't believe it is Thursday already! Well here goes...
I am thankful that the elections are over--finally!
I'm thankful that I have connected with an old friend this week! Love ya Darc!!
I'm thankful that at the moment I have NO unfinished projects! NONE! Can you believe it? OK- that doesn't count "house projects"-those never end!
I'm thankful that my hubby bought me a new kitchen sink AND installed it! (even though we missed trunk or treat due to "technical difficulties")
I'm thankful that everyone at my house is healthy.
And last but not least I'm thankful that my efforts are FINALLY paying off and that I have lost 8 pounds. (ok so long way to go but I've been stuck FOREVER so I'll take it!)
Posted by gibkidsmom at 7:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Twilight Fan? Yes I am!
Yes, I admit it- Bren got me hooked on the books awhile back and I can't wait for the movie. So--just for fun. Which character are you?
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
OK so I got this from a friend who got it from a friend who got it from another friend who....well, you get the idea. SPT stands for She Photographs on Tuesdays. SPT Princess Lelly (thanks Annie for helping me insert a link!) gives SPT themes each week for us to get creative and take pictures. I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I kept putting it off for one reason or another. Well, this month is simple- just take self portraits each week. Since today was election day I took a picture of me showing off my "I voted sticker". Easy enough!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 6:15 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
I Love Fall!!
This weekend I begged Rod to drive up North to see the fall leaves before it was too late! I really miss the changing colors in the Fall and the snow in the winter so I try to "visit" them at least once each year. We headed off for Sedona and Jerome just to get away. Unfortunately, we were a little too late. There were still some colored leaves but because they had a few "cold spells" a lot of the leaves were already gone. Bummer!
I did still get to lay by the creek for a little while (one of my very favorite places to be) at least until it started POURING rain! Loved it! :)
When we were in Jerome I saw the funniest thing and I am KICKING myself for not buying it. Someone had made these darling little voo-doo dolls with the Politician's pictures as the faces. They had little skull necklaces on and really were so cute! (I know it doesn't sound like it but they really were) There was a sign that said you would get your voo doo pins at the cashier. It was just such a funny thing. I'm not sure if a democrat made them because there were only Pallin and McCain dolls left OR if people were buying the Obama/Biden ones because they don't like them. Who knows?
Of course, not wanting to promote witchcraft and not really having a purpose for such a gift I left them there. On the way home I was thinking it would have been smart to buy one just as a collector's item or something. You know how political things can be worth money some day! Dang- by the time I realized I really wanted one of these things we were too far away and Rod wasn't going to turn around! I really wish I would have at least taken a picture so I could post it on here. They really were very clever!
Posted by gibkidsmom at 8:31 AM 2 comments